Welcome and a Small First Project
Hello there! Welcome to my blog "The Lab." This blog is intended to be a place to keep me experimenting with new ways of making digital productions and other magical things. With that in mind, here is a first, short overview of a little project I did for the Stanley Park Ghost Train this year.
The Goal
Create ghoulish kids dancing on gravestones. The concept for this came from the designer, Lauchlin Johnson. Ultimately I was simply a craftsman on this one, but I really loved the results.
The Results
How it was done.
A big thank you to the kids of Lynn Valley United Church on this one. We took about 15 minutes out of their Sunday School time to record them playing simple games. I then ran the video that we created through Final Cut Pro and added a simple "negative" effect, boosted the contrast and boom. Creepy dancing kids. For more information about the Ghost Train and the work that Mortal Coil does, check out this website.
Until next time, keep imagining.